In-cen-diary: 1: a: a person who commits arson: b: an incendiary agent (as a bomb)
2: a person who excites factions, quarrels, or sedition:
I saw Incendiary (the movie with Ewan McGregor and Michelle Williams) last night and for the first time in my life, have felt compelled to share about a movie.
This piece of work is undull and quite heroic. Of course a woman is left wiped out, in terms of her heart, but gives herself a second chance as the chaos of love chatters away at her mind and grief. This movie is battle, but not of swords or guns, but a clear distinction between what is real and what is not, in the reality of your heart. The moments you would change if given another chance, the things you would say or would not, that makes all the difference in the world. The sheer honestly of words versus action, and in some cases, inaction. And the outcome of your life because of small everyday actions.
If you are a Mother, I warn is is hard to watch. We live in sheer oblivious days that cannot fathom this pain or this loss, yet we know so many who have endured. Still the humility and trust in the greater, that there is an ultimate destiny in the death of things and it is one no human can ever reveal or uncover. It is a homage to the human soul being humble in it's humanity and giving of the thing most precious to all of us: life.
Birth. Death. We are all born and we all someday die. What separates us is how we handle those days, how we miss Those days how or play and scream and live and Love Those days. To view the Trailer click here:
Incendiary Trailer